*Sponsored content with Super Facialist*
Super Facialist are by far my favourite affordable skincare brand, so I'm super excited to be collaborating with them on this post! My love of the brand started years back with the Rose Hydrate range (I was obsessed with the moisture mask), I then tried a few bits from the Vitamin C+ range, which I also fell head over heels for, and most recently I've been trialling the Anti Blemish range. I'm going to show you a few of my favourite products which work wonders for my skin type, but Super Facialist have also launched this handy tool for their #beyourownsuperfacialist campaign, which allows you to build your own tailor-made skincare routine according to the needs of your skin. My main skin concerns are acne/blemishes and dryness, so I've been using a selection of products to help to combat those areas.